Fire Safety in the Home
Thankfully relatively few people have been involved in a fire, sadly for some, their first introduction to fire is often their last.
Fire Warden Training
Legal Responsibilities, Investigation tecniques, Understand the procedures when evacuating a premise and more.
First Aid Training
The Human Anatomy, the skills to “Triage” a scene, render life saving techniques and promote recovery should all be essential life skills.
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance, servicing and installation in Greater Manchester.
Bonfire/Firework Safety
A hard hitting presentation in the weeks leading up to any Religious Festivals where Bonfires /Fireworks are to be used.
Fire Risk Assessment
Over 70% of businesses involved in major fires either don't re-open or fail in the first 3 years!
Bonfire/Firework Safety
A hard hitting, thought provoking presentation that highlights the dangers of bonfires and fireworks … and what carelessness can really mean.
Every October and November medical staff in the UK’s hospital accident and emergency units deal with serious burns and injuries due to carelessness with fireworks and bonfires. They often cause lifelong scarring. Some result in death.
But it’s not only on Bonfire Night. Fireworks are becoming commonplace at religious and community celebrations throughout the year.
Manchester Safety Training highlights the dangers associated with building bonfires and the thoughtless use of fireworks.
With actual photographs, video footage and more than 30 years experience in the Fire and Rescue Service, we are well equipped to show the dark side of firework misuse.
This workshop proves that organised events are far safer than a private party in the garden or on waste land. It discusses the legislation and requirements governing the sale and use of fireworks. And it highlights the penalties you can expect for not complying.
All Manchester Safety Training workshops have been positively received by schools and social groups throughout Manchester and the North West.